SAT Registration In Nigeria

Register SAT in Nigeria and Africa

SAT Exam Registration in Nigeria. The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is a recognized university admission test in the USA. The test is an admixture reflection of ones college readiness.

Governed by the College Board, the SAT is an undergrad entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. The idea is to provide colleges with one common criterion that can be used to compare all applicants.

However, it is just one factor in the admissions decision. Schools also consider your high school GPA, academic transcript, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, interviews, and personal essays.

The weight placed on SAT scores varies from school to school as each school may have their own score Benchmark or academic requirements. The SAT Exam is offered several times a year in August, October, November, December, March, May and June.


The SAT Sections

Firstly, The SAT has four sections: Reading, Writing and Language, Math (no calculator), and Math (calculator allowed).

The candidate may optionally write an essay which, in that case, is the fifth test section. The total time for the scored portion of the SAT is three hours (or three hours and fifty minutes if the optional essay section is taken).

Some candidates who are not taking the essay may also have a fifth section which is used, at least in part, for the pretesting of questions that may appear on future administrations of the SAT. (These questions are not included in the computation of the SAT score.)

Two section scores result from taking the SAT: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Math. Section scores are reported on a scale of 200 to 800, and each section score is a multiple of ten.

A total score for the SAT is calculated by adding the two section scores, resulting in total scores that range from 400 to 1600. There is no penalty for guessing on the SAT: scores are based on the number of questions answered correctly.


Register SAT in Nigeria and Africa

Firstly, In addition to the two section scores, three “test” scores on a scale of 10 to 40 are reported, one for each of Reading, Writing and Language, and Math.

The essay, if taken, is scored separately from the two section scores SAT Subject Tests allow you to differentiate yourself in the University admission process or send a strong message regarding your readiness to study specific majors or programs in University.

In conjunction with your other admission credentials (your high school record, SAT Exam scores, teacher recommendations, etc.), they provide a more complete picture of your academic background and interests.

Some universities also use Subject Tests to place students into the appropriate courses. Based on your performance on the test(s), you could potentially fulfill basic requirements or receive credit for introductory-level courses.

It is important to note that high scores in SAT test/exam may result in scholarship opportunities abroad. The total score for SAT I is 2400—- (Essay—800, Verbal Reasoning—800, General Maths—800)

Lastly, SAT 2 is the subject test which is required by some specific schools, subjects includes major secondary school subjects. SAT 1 and SAT 2 are arranged and administered in Nigeria about six (6) – seven(7) times a year. SAT test/exam registration in Nigeria is usually done about 8-10 weeks before the intended exam date.


Register SAT in Nigeria and Africa


Acceptable means of Identification

Importantly, Candidates in Nigeria will need a valid international passport as means of identification on the day of the exams.

Test Duration

The SAT test lasts for about four (4) hours, so candidates are advised to plan their test day properly. No other appointment should be fixed for that day.

Test Preparation

In conclusion, just like any other exams, the SAT Exams needs adequate time for preparation. This may differ among individuals, however we do recommend about eight weeks of sound preparation is recommended for the examination.

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